Devonshire House - Heating and Chilled Water Distribution System Replacement
This nine storey multi-tenancy office block, situated over Green Park Tube Station, London W1, had heating and chilled water distribution systems that were rapidly reaching the end of their economical use.
New infrastructure distribution pipework was designed by consultants and the scheme was developed by R.A. Ford to include new pipework, transfer pumps and BMS controls.
New heating and chilled water circuits were installed while the building remained occupied and fully operational.
Existing smoke extract riser shafts were used as the route to each floor; the shafts by original design had no floors.
New open mesh pattern floors were installed to allow the shafts to fulfill their purpose of smoke evacuation and subsequently providing access for future connection and maintenance.
All works were carried out during and outside normal working hours, including 24 hour sustained periods to ensure no detrimental effect on the operation of the building.
R.A. Ford fulfilled the role of Principal Contractor within CDM Regulations for this project and all works were completed within budget and ahead of programme.